Thursday, March 15, 2012

Today I came across this petition on another infertile's blog that would require ALL states to provide coverage for infertility testing and treatment. 

Anyone that knows anyone who has gone through any sort of infertility treatment understands that it's exorbitantly expensive and most states don't require health insurance to cover treatments, making it nearly impossible for some couples (like us) to achieve their dreams of a family. 

We are lucky because ours DID cover diagnostic testing, but once we'd done all we could with that (and still had no definite answers), insurance wouldn't pay for any treatments that could have helped us TTC.
I think justice would be BEYOND served if every single state was REQUIRED to cover treatments.  It is a medical condition, just as anything else.  And yet people can get Viagra covered but not infertility treatments.

So, PLEASE take just a minute and sign the petition!  "We" need 25,000 signatures by March 30, 2012!!

I thank you in advance, and please share widely!!


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