Thursday, December 6, 2012

Like Clockwork

After all the half-hearted India baby hopes last month, I thought I should throw out a quick update.

We can all be relieved to know that my period came like clockwork the day I expected it, and ended exactly when it was supposed to.

There was some concern that the travel/time changes would throw my cycle off like it may have earlier this fall after a trip to Finland & Russia, but fortunately my first cycle upon returning from India was right on track (as was the previously cycle which I had while I was there too).

So, while it's as sad as it always is when I get my period month after month and always find out I'm yet again not pregnant, at least my cycle isn't messed up.

The bright side (or exhausting & futile side) is that it means we get another chance to start trying all over again this month.... yay.... [insert sarcastic tone of voice and eye roll here].

Seriously though, I'm not bummed about it.  Relieved there's nothing new to worry about like there was in September/October.

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