Monday, December 10, 2012

This is how crazy I am

So Prince William & Princess Kate are pregnant.  I'm curious and my attention directly gets sucked into any news about their condition... and I should be happy for them like the rest of the world, but I'm not.

I always kind of felt like my life mirrored Prince William's.  My parents got married the same year as Charles & Diana, and I'm only about 9 months older than the first-born prince.  I got married about 10 months before the current Duke & Duchess of Cambridge, and I just hoped in my silly-little fantasy mind of mine that we'd get pregnant around the same time as the royal couple.

I don't wish the heartache of infertility on anyone, but part of me takes comfort when celebrities share their stories of infertility tragedy & triumph.  I'm glad the princess is NOT suffering from infertility, but if she was, like me, it would bring a lot more awareness to a growing problem in modern society.

If infertility wasn't such a stigma, and more people talked openly about it, and more became aware of it, maybe someday ART could be covered by health insurance and our pocketbooks wouldn't determine our eligibility to conceive and give birth.

Like I said yesterday, B & I need to move to a European country where this stuff is covered so I can stop projecting my own angst onto every celebrity, acquaintance, friend, and relative who gets pregnant.

Seriously, I'm upset about Princess Kate being pregnant (and announcing it at 8 weeks, that just seems cocky!)?  As the title of this post says, it just goes to show you how cray cray I'm really becoming.  Glad I can say these things here so I don't have to say them out loud!  Maybe there is something to that Dutch study about involuntarily childless couples having a higher risk of psychiatric illness... ;)

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