Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Clergyman explains the pain of infertility

Found a great statement by a Catholic Cardinal about the spiritual effects of infertility, as he found them after years of hearing confessionals:
"Often... the spiritual effects of infertility were even worse than those suffered by those who lost a child to disease or to a tragic accident.  There was a unique and silent pain suffered by those who wanted to have children, but could not.  Whole communities will rally around those who lose a child.  Those who feel denied the unique joys and pains of parenthood often suffer in silence, except for the interior screams of pain that others rarely hear.  Clergy must understand this reality and help those who suffer from it..." - Cardinal James Francis Stafford
B and I are not religious, but it is comforting to hear that those in a position of spiritual authority (from a Church who condemns IVF) recognizes this kind of unique pain and advocates for women suffering from infertility.  This piece really made me feel validated and safe to feel the way I do.

If you liked this post, you might also be interested in a fellow infertility blogger's recent post: Thought's on Infertility and God's Will.

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