Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Follow Up to "Pregnant Women are Smug"

I'm afraid that now I too have been guilty of being insensitive to my friends.  Although it was not my intention, my actions have caused pain and anxiety to those around me.  Even though I wasn't even thinking about them, things I posted on this blog has struck a personal chord for some of my friends and hurt them.

I'm referring to my currently pregnant friends.  I wrote a post about pregnant women in general, and lumped them all together in one category and called them smug.  Then I posted a song I found by the same title.  I found it humorous with a grain of truth behind it and so I posted it to lighten up the mood of this blog, which is mostly filled with me whining about why I'm so sad, angry, bitter, jealous, and other such selfishness.

But I didn't think about a couple of amazing friends whom I'm really close to who might get their feeling hurt by me saying such things.  I didn't think about the fact that they too are hypersensitive right now (like me) - and there's is hormonally induced which can prevent them from seeing rationally beyond their current pain.

I'm upset with myself because these friends have done everything as sensitively as they could, waaaay before I ever blogged about "how to be sensitive with me."  The two I am specifically thinking about right now both told me first that they were pregnant before any of our other friends.  I don't think any of them ever even officially announced their pregnancies on Facebook, though they each subtly let a few rare photographs of them in completely unrelated circumstances speak for themselves.  And neither has bombarded me with gushing news of how their pregnancies are progressing.  

They've been so kind to me (regardless of whether they were even thinking about me when doing/not doing these things).  And now I am very sorry for not thinking about how my comments might hurt their feelings.  If you are reading, you know who you are!  Please forgive me if I hurt you.  I wasn't even thinking about you when I wrote those posts, I was speaking generally and not being sensitive to the idea that you currently identify with that group.  Thank you for continuously being a great friend to me, even when I fail to be the best friend I know I can be for you.

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