Thursday, January 19, 2012

Pregnant Women are Smug

So, when I wrote my post last night about having higher expectations of sensitivity from women who have experienced the pain of infertility but then go on to have successful pregnancies, I started with the comment that "pregnant women are smug."  Today I was googling the term to look for the source of the picture I had posted with that (the one with the women in the t-shirts), so I could credit that site...and because I really liked the article that went along with it--tons of testimonials from women about the crazy things their pregnant friends did and expected them to do!

Anyway, as I was googling that term to find the source of the image I had copied, I discovered that there is actually a song called, "Pregnant Women are Smug"!  Who knew?  I just listened to it and think the lyrics are hilarious so I and thought it would be fun to post them here, to bring a flavor of humor to some of the heavy topics I've been writing about lately.  Enjoy!

Pregnant Women are Smug, by Garfunkel and Oates

Pregnant women are smug
Everyone knows it, nobody says it
Because they're pregnant
Effing son of a gun
You think you're so deep now, you give me the creeps
Now that you're pregnant

I can't count all the ways how
You speak in clichés now

Riki: So, do you want a boy or girl?
Kate: Oh, doesn't matter as long as it's healthy
Riki: Really? 'Cause I don't feel that those two things are related. It's not like one or the other.
Kate: Oh, really, as long as it's healthy.

I can't wait to hear someone say
"Don't care if it's brain dead
Don't care if it's limbless
If it has a penis"

Pregnant women are smug
Everyone knows it, nobody says it
Because they're pregnant
This zen world you're enjoying
Makes you really annoying

Riki: So, is it a boy or girl?
Kate: Oh, we know, but we're not telling.
Riki: What you're gonna name it?
Kate: Oh, we know, but we're not telling.
Riki: Who's the father?
Kate: Oh, we know, but we're not telling.

Bitch, I don't really care
I was being polite
Since you have no life now
That you're pregnant

You say you're walking on air
You think that you're glowing
But you've been ho'ing
And now you're pregnant

You're just giving birth now
You're not Mother Earth now

Riki: Oh my gosh, I've got so much going on. I got my novel published, I moved, I got married.
Kate: Gosh, you know, everything seems so trivial now that I'm pregnant.
Riki: Well, I also helped end gang violence in Mexico when...
Kate: You know, I can't even remember what I did before I was pregnant. Everything else seems so meaningless.

Pregnant women are smug
Everyone knows it, nobody says it
Because they're pregnant
Effing son of a gun
You think you're so deep now, you give me the creeps now
Now that you're pregnant     

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