Friday, January 20, 2012

Stupid girls

I've never seen the show Gossip Girls, but just from the commercials I see about it and this image above, I imagine it to be about a bunch of gossipy, snobby, rich elitist girls who are mean girls and probably think they have problems when they really just don't realize how good they actually have it.  This is something my friend's and I politically incorrectly refer to as white people problems.

Some people might argue that my entire blog devoted to my feelings bemoaning my plight of infertility is a white person problem too.  And maybe it is.  But this is my blog so I get to complain about whatever I want, even if it's hypocritical.  No body is forcing you to read it :)

Since you are still reading, you must either be interested in what I have to say, or just plain care about me, so thank you :)

Anyway, I was out to lunch the other day at an Indian vegetarian restaurant.  It was really busy and seemed to be drawing in quite the mixed crowd of hippies, business professionals, and rich snobby college kids.

At the table next to me was one of these snobby college kids and her mom.  She was casually talking about her plans to travel throughout Eastern Europe this summer, and TELLING her mom she might stay longer to meet up with another friend over there.  Not asking, not looking for opinions, just telling her as if something like that is no different than thinking about staying a couple of extra days at your friend's house who lives in the next state.  Okay, I admit, it I'm mostly just jealous.

At one point, her mom said, "you should take your honeymoon in Greece someday!"  At this point I got really interested in their conversation because that's where B and I took our honeymoon!  Yeah, ok, maybe sometimes I've acted like one of these snobby girls too, but B & I used frequent flyer miles to get there and we were supposed to use a free week at my Dad's timeshare that he had given me as a graduation gift, and for the rest we used our wedding money to pay for, but I digress.

The girls was all like, "no, I don't want to do Greece for my honeymoon, I'm thinking Croatia."  Whatever, who has these kinds of conversations with their mom's before they're even engaged (there was no ring on her finger).

Later in their conversations, I heard her say something that really caught my attention.  She very non-nonchalantly said to her mother, "Yeah, I probably won't be able to have kids anyway.  [My boyfriend] and I have talked about it already and we are both totally on board with adopting."

Now, I don't know her situation.  Maybe she has endometriosis or some other condition that actually leads her to believe that she might not be able to get pregnant or carry a baby.  But the way her mom reacted, kind of disgusted, like "don't talk that way." Made me think that she was just being an annoying ignorant stupid girl talking about stuff she knows nothing about.  Like, she was just saying something to get attention for a problem she doesn't even have yet.

It really pissed me off, because even if what she says is all true (which like I said, I'm skeptical of), she has no clue what she will actually have to go through, both physically and emotionally if she does find out she can't have kids.  And she's talking about adoption like it's no big deal!  It is expensive, intrusive, risky, and emotionally difficult too!  But maybe if she's super rich like imaging her an her mom to be it will be easier for them.  I think the more money you can throw at your problems, the less stressful these problems probably are for people.

So anyway, that's something that's been on my mind for a few days and it felt good to get it out. Even if it made me do a little self-reflection and realize that maybe I've been just like this type of "stupid girls" at times myself :-)

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