Friday, January 20, 2012

Have you seen Texas Multi Mamas yet?

Monday night, after my marathon of watching Teen Mom 2, I finally turned the channel and found this new show on WE channel.  It's called Texas Multi Mamas (I think it was only a coincidence that I happened to be in Texas when I found the show!).

I watched it as I fell asleep, so I didn't pay attention to much of it, but I couldn't help but wonder if these were all former infertiles, who'd undergone ART treatments, and were now living "life after infertility."

Well, duh, of course they are!  Natural twins, sure, but probably not triplets and certainly not quadruplets.

I Googled the show and found an article talking about the show in general:  Seems really interesting, actually.  Kind of like a window into what the future could potentially look like if we end up doing IVF some day.  

B and I were going to transfer two embies.  If it were up to us, we were willing to transfer up to three, but our RE said that only increases our chances of multiples, not of a pregnancy.  So we agreed to transfer two.  I'm sure being a MOM (Mom of Multiples) isn't easy, but I'd relish the opportunity to meet that challenge if it meant I got to be a mom.  Besides, I'm the oldest of four children and grew up with my own mom doing daycare in our home.  I've even spent a summer doing daycare for her by myself while she was ill and bedridden.  So yes, I think if anyone can be a great MOM, it's me.  But at the rate we're going, we feel that we'll be lucky now if we ever even get to have one child.

After a little more internet searching, I did come across one article that talks about one of the women's struggle with infertility:  This was  really interesting to me too, since she has been where I am right now.  Her successes gave me hope, but also warned me that it might be wisest for us to wait to do IVF until we can afford multiple cycles, since it doesn't work the first time for many couples.  

Most clinics have some kind of "deal" where you pay more ($26,000 at our clinic), but get 3 fresh and 3 frozen cylces, and if you don't get a live birth, you get most or all of your money back.  The risk of course is if you get pregnant right away the first time, there is no refund for all the extra money you spent.  Seems like it might be a better deal then I originally thought though now.

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